What Is Netsuke


Japanese the netsuke is the small carved figure executed from a bone or a tree. The word "netsuke" is written by two hieroglyphs: the first means the "root", the second - to "attach". The netsuke has a through opening (химотоши) for a cord, the ends of a cord are passed through openings in a netsuke and fastened. The cord combined half-and-half pass for a belt so on one hanging-down end there is a nosimy subject, and on other - as a counterbalance – a netsuke. The netsuke shouldn't be confused with okimono - the tiny Japanese sculpture similar to a netsuke both on registration and on plots, and it is frequent and in the sizes. In okimono always there is no opening for a cord. The word "okimono" is the general name of all easel sculpture of the small sizes intended only for interior registration.

in Japan carry History of emergence of a netsuke to the second half 16 - to the beginning of the 17th eyelid. Probably, the role was played here by concrete events - military campaigns in 1592 and 1597 Korea where also as well as in China carried чжуй цзы. Till the end of the 16th century of data on use by Japanese of a netsuke isn't present. Things which were necessary for having at itself, carried in a different way. In the history of a Japanese suit there were some ways of carrying of things, for example, a sack for a flint and огнива fixed to a sword hilt. This way appeared very resistant. One more form preceding a netsuke, is обигурува - a zone ring to which the purse and keys fastened. Obviously it was borrowed Mongols. Before emergence of a netsuke various subjects could carry also in a full sleeve of a kimono. Gradually everything without an exception ways were forced out by a netsuke. Netsuke plots as a whole the same, as in other types of Japanese art. History, literature and theater, religious images, mythology and folk beliefs, blagopozhelatelny symbolics, everyday life - all this received reflection in small carved figures. In a netsuke are embodied not only Japanese, but also the Chinese characters. Deities from folk beliefs so-called "ситифукудзин" - "seven gods of happiness" were most popular. Bisyamonten, Bendzayten, Daykoka, Hotey, Fukurokudzyu, Dzyurodzin and Ebisa. Characters of folk beliefs are various on appearance and properties, but pulls together their one: all of them are allocated with ability to grant to people happiness, rest, material welfare, health, longevity, carelessness, fun.

Touching and stroking a netsuke at a belt, their owner not only showed the attention to objects of art that was always highly appreciated in Japanese society, but also following fingers refined and harmonious bends of a form, calmed down and concentrated, found composure, removed a stress. And in general a netsuke a sculpture with which communicate. Besides, netsuke collecting - one of the most prestigious and intellectual types of a collecting. The collection of a netsuke will give elegance to a room and a lot of things can tell about the host to the guest understanding that such good taste, prestige and respectability.